Tuesday, July 1, 2014

5 Tips to Save Energy During the Summer

Summer is here and Arizona heat is also here and will be here for another 4 months or so.  Blasting the A/C may sound like a great plan but not for your energy use especially your wallet. A few adjustments of your energy use will make a difference on your home and budget.

  • First tip is to set the temperature 2 degrees higher when you are leaving your house. Gadgets like computers, coffee makers, and home entertainment centers still uses energy even when not in use. Unplug these gadgets to minimize energy drain.
  • During the summer months in the Valley, it’s impossible to not turn on your air conditioner. Maintenance of A/C by cleaning or replacing your air filters each month can also save energy. Keeping air ducts clean and unblocked will keep the system running smoothly and efficiently.
  • When washing clothes, 90% of energy used is to heat water. When washing clothes, switched from hot to warm or warm to cold. By doing this, you are saving drastically on use of energy.
  • Use a ceiling fan more. A ceiling fan does not really cool a place but it gives a breeze that makes you cooler and comfortable.
  • Get smart: All homes are not created equal. Energy-smart features, such as low-E windows, solar-electric power options and high-performance insulated stucco will help you achieve the energy-saving benefits you desire.

    1. It's all about having good insulation that will ultimately lead ro saving energy. Also, my parents would always open the windows early in the morning when it was cool out, before the sun started to come out!

    2. Hi friend how are you I want share with you some tips about how we can save energy because now days energy short fall to much so we can save energy for our future. Ceiling insulation is the most effective barrier against the summer heat and the winter cold. A minimum of R3.5 is recommended for most areas in Victoria. Keep the heat inside during winter and the hot air out in summer by sealing up any gaps and cracks in external walls, floors and ceiling. Seal external doors using draught stoppers or 'door snakes' at the bottom and weather stripping around the frames. Close blinds, curtains, windows and doors on cold days to keep the heat in, and in summer use outside shading to keep the sun off the glass. Dress for the weather – in winter, wear extra layers inside and lower your heating thermostat. By setting your heating thermostat between 18-20°C, you can decrease your running costs by up to 10%. In summer, wear lighter clothing and keep your air conditioner’s thermostat between 24°C – 26°C Your fridge runs 24 hours a day 365 days a year. This adds up and makes it the most expensive appliance to run. Make sure that the door seal is tight and free from gaps so cold air doesn't escape. If you have a second fridge, give it a winter break - just turn it on when you need it. Only heat or cool and light rooms you are using. Where possible, zone your lighting and ducted heating or cooling and close off doors to unoccupied rooms.
      Energy Advice Line
