Thursday, June 26, 2014

Tips for selling a home - Tips for sellers

The first thing that I think should be done when you decide to sell your home is to de-clutter your home. We accumulate a lot of junk in our home because we do not want to let go of our memories. The rule of thumb is when you have not used it for over a year, you probably don’t need it. Minimize the number of books in you bookcases. Pack up your knick knacks. A clean house makes it more appealing to the buyer. It will also make the house smell good.

Also buyers wants to look at cabinets and closets. Rearrange and organize your closets and cabinets. If your closet is overflowing, pack up some of your clothes and put it in storage. Same with your cabinets. Rearrange spice jars and grocery items in your pantry.

One of the tips that I have read and also taught in real estate school is to remove most of your personal items including toiletries. The purpose is so that the buyer can visualize themselves living in that house also lessens the buyer's distractions in looking at the features of the home. Someone also said not to do that because it losses the house personality. I think it is better to remove the personal items because the house should no longer have the owner's personality when the house is put in the market.

One thing too that I found helps in selling a home is staging. When you have an identical house and one has been staged and the other one is, which one will you choose to buy? Of course almost everyone will say the one House that is staged will sell first. You do not have to use expensive furnitures. You can even use the furnitures that you already have. Cost of staging can cost from $250.00 - $15,000. With regards to furniture it is best to minimize the number of furniture in the house to make the room more spacious. Re-painting the entire house with neutral color, also makes the house sell faster. Shampoing the carpet and making sure that the tiles are clean makes the house looks clean. The last thing that must be done when you are selling your house is to make sure that the kitchen sink is clean when you leave in the morning. Any plates or cups used in the morning for breakfast must be washed and put away. Bathrooms and bedrooms should be free of clutter.

It is harder to keep the house clean when you have kids. To minimize the rooms you have to clean everyday is to lessen the amount of room used especially bathrooms. Toys of kids should be put in a box so you can easily put them away. If the kids are older, train them on what they have to do every morning to keep the house clean. Also do not cook anything that will make the house smell. Odor is one of the worst thing that can make a buyer not buy a house.

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